Getting started 🖖

posh-gitmoji makes it easier to use gitmoji in your terminal. It work's best with the Windows Terminal for it's emoji support so you can see the emojis rendered before you make your commits.

You can install posh-gitmoji directly from the PSGallery repository:
Install-Module posh-gitmoji
Typegitmojiand<tab>to autocomplete any gitmoji

When autocompleting the command will show the gitmoji and a comment. The comment will not be committed but is only there to give you context. Examples:
gitmoji 🔥 <# Removing code or files. #>
gitmoji 🐛 <# Fixing a bug. #>
gitmoji 🚑 <# Critical hotfix. #>

To view everything the gitmoji cli accepts runhelp gitmoji

What have you done?

  • Deploying stuff

    gitmoji deploy<tab>
    gitmoji 🚀

  • Writing bad code that needs to be improved

    gitmoji poop<tab>
    gitmoji 💩

  • Refactoring code

    gitmoji refac<tab>


To make posh-gitmoji work perfectly you might need to configure your environment a bit.

git log on Windows

To make git use utf8 on Windows you can add this to your PowerShell profile $env:LC_ALL='C.UTF-8'(source)

Azure DevOps completion

Make sure to login with the azure cli az login and then configure your default organization and project:
then you can setup your (gitmoji) default AreaPath for Azure DevOps gitmoji -AreaPath Example\Area